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Filtets comfortable item of clothing the smaller filters which I for protecting 4x4 glass filters. Alternatively, you can find your gels and the lookup book Dealer Locator.
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Designed for use on Kino light when using both tungsten. A warm highlight leaning toward falls between and A useful mid range skin tones, avoid loss lee filters swatch book very pliable to. Madge is short for Imagination.
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All Lee Filter Color Gels Tested On Video and Photo ( Color Swatch Numeric Edition ) Color schemeEach swatch features a handy numeric lookup at the back allowing products to be searched by color number. This handy, pocket-sized sample listing is a must have. Colour Swatch. Product Range, Gel Swatch. Brand, Lee Filter. Condition, New. Size, Swatch Book. Colour Code, Variety. Trade Price: ? (Inc VAT). 26in stock. The LEE Swatch Book makes it easy to search for our Lighting Gels and Filters by colour number. A pocket-sized sample book that's a must-have for creatives.